Finished IndieGoGo Presentation, More Beats and Start of Website Development.

On March 8th Richard and I have our final meeting before my final hand in and together we complete the presentation for IndieGoGo. Due to this being our final meeting before the hand, plans involving IndieGoGo have changed. Originally the plan was to start crowdfunding before the public release of the company, however Richard has now advised me to launch the website without the backing of IndieGoGo investors so that after I've finished University he will be able to help me focus on crowdfunding correctly.

As it has been nearly a month since my last blog post and deadlines are looming ever closer i have been working hard at creating (Deep Sub) Beats. Since my last post i have created two beats, both of which are Hip Hop beats. The first uses oscillation to create a very unique vibe to the music, it is called "Coastal".
The second beat created is much more spacey than coastal and uses many filters to create it's unique sound. This beat is called "Cosmos".
After having created quite a few beats at this stage i felt was ready to start work on Deep Sub Beats' website. I decided to do this i would need to use an online website designer and as i had already used "Wix" in the past, it made sense to do so again.
Thanks for reading and take care,
Jacob Baggs